Over the past few months, she has been preparing for her new role in an upcoming short film series ‘Clean Ops’ which is expected to premiere this Winter. The series is about an agency that trains inner city kids in the performing arts as well as the art of being an assassin and in the first installment, Gloria stars as a trained ballerina by day and an assassin by night who gets her assignments from a guy only known as ‘Mr. Drop’. The films are being developed into a comic book franchise, feature film, mobile game and television series (which may end up equaling a lot of dough for Gloria if it takes off and she negotiated her contract right).
Oh, and her former Basketball Wives of Miami cast mates may wanna watch out. Gloria was recently asked in an interview who she would use her new moves on and she responded:
"I think I’d use my moves on every cast member in Miami. I would wait for Evelyn. (Watch out Gloria...Eveyln is ABOUT THAT LIFE!!) Evelyn would be last. I’d knock out Shaunie first. And then … you know Royce apologized to me after the last reunion. So, I wouldn’t knock her out. I’d just smack the sh*t out of her. Susie I like. Jennifer just gets on my nerves … like her voice irritates me so I would try to take out her voice box.”
Check Out Gloria on the set of "Clean Ops".
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